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28/10/15 22:51
The "talk of the town" right now centers on a political postcard that has been mailed to many Saugerties' residents. The postcard shows the Chris Allen mugshot and encourages voting women to say "No" to "assault," "misogyny" and "Chris Allen." Several people feel..and have said… that the card was created by a person associated with the Conservative Party.
Saugerties Conservative Party candidates have been scrupulous in their determination to distribute clean, positive and informative campaign material.
To see the postcard, as well as Conservative candidates' ads, click the picture:
Saugerties Conservative Party candidates have been scrupulous in their determination to distribute clean, positive and informative campaign material.
To see the postcard, as well as Conservative candidates' ads, click the picture:
For Angie Minew's audio-visual message, click the picture below: